Apparently I'm not
01 September 2017
Developing a DevOps Cadence
Weekly team ops meeting The purpose of the weekly ops meeting is to give the whole team a chance to take stock of their operational health. In theory, you... -
19 January 2016
Using Bayes Rule to sort rated items
Everyone knows that you can't order items straightforwardly by star-rating. The main problem is that you don't want something with only one 5 star rating to be ordered above something...
06 September 2015
The power of assertion checking
I'd like to discuss what to do when you have a module of code that's difficult to test and also low importance to test. These can be tough to...
11 May 2015
Bootstrap to an MVP (Minimum Visible Product)
There's a lot of talk about the utility of building an MVP, especially for a young company. The idea is that you should build the smallest unit that you...
10 May 2015
That "clean room" feeling
There's something about devops done well that feels like a neat, organized room. Automating things feels like having a space to put all of your belongings.
19 December 2014
When to choose static
I don't think we pause to think about whether we need dynamic pages enough before we decide to build them. Dynamic content, for the purposes of this discussion, requires...
04 March 2014
When A/B Testing steers you wrong
Anyone who considers herself analytical and data driven can expound at length on why A/B testing is awesome. It's starting to be an accepted premise in many companies that...
03 January 2014
Paid online marketing: A plan for small businesses
There are a variety of free ways to attract users to your site, but you may still find yourself turning to paid online marketing at some point. For instance,...
02 January 2014
Email Marketing: Don't lose the customers you've already got
Email marketing gives you the opportunity to communicate with people who've opted-in to hearing your message. These could be former or future customers, depending on how skillful you are...
01 January 2014
Social Media Marketing: A new part of an online marketing plan for small businesses
Like search engine optimization, social media is a low cost (though much more time intensive) way to gain new customers. In addition, it can help you communicate with people...